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September 17, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Chris Poblete Friend. What does this word mean to you? The twenty-first century is suffering the inflation of the word “friend.” A friend used to be someone that you shared a special and mutual bond with, involving a certain level of love, respect, and camaraderie. Today, the word friend is more nebulous (thank you, social networks). According...
September 10, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Whitney Clayton The greatest season of the year is upon us. Helmets are in full bloom, the sound of human collisions will soon fill the air, and pot-bellied men everywhere will celebrate the physical exploits of others. This is when pigs reach their pinnacle, taking center stage in the second greatest role a pig...
September 8, 2014 By Owen Strachan
by Owen Strachan Few words are more invested with meaning than the term “headship.” It’s a Christological and theological term that is grounded in Ephesians 5:23, which reads “For the husband is the head [Greek kephale] of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.”...
September 4, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Rusty McKie Courage is always defined by context. This is why stories of courage inspire us more than definitions. Story is where we live. The man who has been through war defines courage by the battlefield. The man who is part of the persecuted church defines courage by torture. And most modern American men...
September 2, 2014 By Greg Gibson
We are excited to start a new series here at Manual called, “Manhood 101.”  Over the month of September, we will look at some foundations for manhood according to the Bible.   Here is part one. ——————— By Greg Gibson   Here’s the deal:  Many men in the church cannot retain and restate the gospel. It’s a...
August 21, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By James K. Forbis Jr. I am not a father. I start there, because most people who write on fatherhood are in fact fathers. I am a son to a phenomenal father, Kevin Forbis, who modeled for me what a godly marriage looks like. I am a son to a studious and intentional father who...