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September 29, 2014 By Grant Castleberry
By Grant Castleberry Within the past thirty years, the idea of leadership has been pushed to the forefront of our thinking like it never has before. Andrew Wilson recently noted the enormity of the leadership phenomenon. Long story short, leadership is everywhere right now, and it is selling big. The Christian world is no different...
September 26, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Stephen Yuille Thomas Wilcox (1622–1687) was the pastor of a small Baptist church in the city of London. For whatever reason, few details of his life have been preserved for us. There’s no funeral sermon or collection of personal letters. There are no biographical references in the writings of his contemporaries. All that remains...
September 24, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Ryan Rindels   That men fulfill their role as protector of their family and community is intuitive to such a degree that we assume it will happen. When it doesn’t, the world takes notice. General Revelation (God’s disclosure of his nature and law through creation and conscience) teaches that the strong ought to protect...
September 22, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By David Sons   The call upon the man to provide is rooted deep in the beginning of all things. In Genesis chapter 2, God gives Adam the creation mandate, namely to fill the earth, subdue it, have dominion over it, and then use its rich resources as a means to provide for himself and...
September 19, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Nick Abraham Yesterday I was at work for 14 hours. That is not a common occurrence in my job thankfully, but it made for a really long day. Among the realities of a day like that are that I didn’t get to see my daughter at all yesterday since I left the house while...
September 10, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Whitney Clayton The greatest season of the year is upon us. Helmets are in full bloom, the sound of human collisions will soon fill the air, and pot-bellied men everywhere will celebrate the physical exploits of others. This is when pigs reach their pinnacle, taking center stage in the second greatest role a pig...