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July 16, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Raymond Johnson   Right before I take the left turn onto my street, I say a quick prayer. I pray because I know that patience will be required as it takes several minutes to get inside my house from the car. It’s not the distance; the door is only about twenty feet from the...
July 14, 2014 By CBMW Guest
  By Whitney Clayton   The word community serves as an excellent example of confusion from overuse. It has become one of those Christian catch all words that you hear a lot and understand very little. Some churches call their regular attenders a community of believers. Some churches use the word community as a label...
July 9, 2014 By CBMW Guest
Joey Cochran   Every family has a different rhythm. Some fathers have the pleasure of coasting home at five o’clock. Other fathers return home as the sun rises. Still, others have an office in the home. Fathers – regardless of your rhythm – the most important shift of your day is not at work. It’s...
July 7, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Nick Batzig   One of the most glorious aspects about biblical truth is that God has purposed to reveal His manifold wisdom in giving us glimpses into the way in which He has ordered things and why He has ordered them in the specific way that He has. This is seen in everything from...
July 2, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By David Sons   Thirty-five year old Floridian, Nik Wallenda, has been nicknamed ‘The King of the Wire.’ Wallenda is a high-wire artist most well known for his dangerous tight rope acts done without a net or other necessary safety precautions over such grandiose locations as Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon. Wallenda’s tight rope...
June 30, 2014 By Greg Gibson
By Greg Gibson   There was a point in my life when the evening hours were solely used up in whatever I wanted to do with them. If I wanted to see a movie, then I would see a movie. If I wanted to visit with a friend, then I would visit with a friend....