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May 23, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Spring 2022 issue of Eikon. Introduction In 1999, evolutionary paleontologist and Harvard University professor Dr. Stephen Jay Gould coined the phrase “non-overlapping magisteria” to describe the relationship between science and religion. He aimed to show that science and religion are miles apart because they deal with different...
May 23, 2022 By Jonathan Swan
Editors note: the following book review appears in the Spring 2022 issue of Eikon. Mary Ziegler. Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Laws are never neutral. Even the most mundane, benign regulations communicate values prized by a particular society. Speed-limit laws prioritize public safety...
May 23, 2022 By Jonathan Swan
Editors note: the following book review appears in the Spring 2022 issue of Eikon. Isaac Adams. Talking About Race: Gospel Hope for Hard Conversations. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2020. Over the last couple of years, I’ve had conversations with quite a few pastors across the country, men desperately trying to walk their churches through our...
May 23, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Spring 2022 issue of Eikon. I have recently completed my twenty-first year as the teaching pastor at the Master’s Community Church. As I look to the next twenty, I want to be more strategic about cultivating complementarity. I am concerned not just for the health of families...
May 23, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Spring 2022 issue of Eikon. Humanly speaking, there is nothing more important for personal well-being, positive social behavior, and general success in life than being raised by one’s biological parents committed to each other in a stable marriage. Over the past forty years, a vast body of...
May 23, 2022 By Jonathan Swan
Editors note: the following book review appears in the Spring 2022 issue of Eikon. Beth Allison Barr. The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2021. I was driving one day and turned on NPR. I was clearly tuning in part way through an interview....