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October 16, 2018 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: This post is the second part of a series. Other can be read here: “Men and Women in Household of God,” “A Word to the Older Women,” and “A Word to the Younger Women.” In Titus 2:2-6, Paul unpacks practically what it means for men and women to live in accordance with sound...
October 15, 2018 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: This post is an introduction to a series. Posts in this series include: “A Word to the Older Men,” “A Word to the Older Women,” “A Word to the Younger Women,” and “A Word to the Younger Men.” In January of last year, hundreds of thousands of women marched in our nation’s capital...
July 11, 2018 By Ryan Loague
June 26, 2018 By CBMW
Ahead of the 1948 Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Communion, C. S. Lewis responded to an essay by Lady Marjorie Nunburnholme on the question of women’s ordination to the Anglican priesthood. Perhaps surprising to some, Lewis argued that it would be a “revolutionary step” to include women in the priesthood. In his essay, Lewis makes some...
May 23, 2018 By CBMW
Evangelicals have been facing a moment of truth concerning abuse and misconduct in our own ranks. Recently, attention has been focused on Southwestern Seminary and its president. The controversy centers on past remarks about pastoral counsel to an abuse victim and about the objectification of a teenage girl. As Albert Mohler declared earlier today, it really does...
January 27, 2018 By Denny Burk posted the podcast heard around the evangelical world earlier this week. In the podcast, John Piper responds to the following question from a listener: “Should women be hired as seminary professors? What is your best case?” In response, Piper makes the case that women should not be hired as seminary professors. Why? Because the...