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December 13, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: This essay was originally published by Barnabas Magazine: Republished with permission.   June 24, 2022, was a momentous day for which we should give thanks to God—wherever we live. The biblical conviction that every human life has dignity (because all are created in the image of God) lies at the foundation of...
October 18, 2022 By CBMW
What would happen if everyone stopped having children? The Children of Men — P.D. James’s 1992 dystopian novel about a world where women have become infertile — depicts one hopeless and chaotic outcome. The question her story raises is increasingly relevant across the Western world and in the United States, as my generation chooses, in...
December 10, 2019 By Jonathan Swan
It’s a curious story, this drama unfolding in the lives of two women, each one an unlikely choice to participate in the gate-crashing of the universe. God chose women and wombs to house men. And what men! One, the messenger and harbinger of the promised King; the other, the King himself. And what wombs! One,...
May 6, 2016 By Scott Corbin
Jim Hamilton | Professor of Biblical Theology The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Louisville, Kentucky I have friends I respect whose kids have played (and some who do play) travel ball, and I mean no offense to them by this post. Nor am I categorically condemning their decisions and choices. I am offering these thoughts for parents who...
March 28, 2016 By Greg Gibson
Since I became a Christian, I have been fascinated by church history. Since “the past is a foreign country,” I have enjoyed studying how saints of old viewed the world in which they lived, knowing that Augustine’s Hippo or Calvin’s Geneva doesn’t exactly have a one-to-one correspondence to our modern American evangelical milieu. That being...
February 2, 2016 By Scott Corbin
Erik Thoennes joins Scott Corbin on Danvers Audio to talk about the image of God, the importance of play, and the theological implications of peek-a-boo. *********** Image: snowy soccer field by T. Kaiser on 12/28/14, accessed on Flickr and licensed under Creative Commons