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August 1, 2019 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: This article was originally posted at under the title, “Complementarianism? What’s in a name?” Over the last several weeks, the evangelical interwebs have been astir with debates about women preaching and complementarianism. I have noticed in much of this discussion that there seems to be much confusion about what complementarianism is. As...
July 15, 2019 By CBMW
Biblical marriage is a wonderful thing. The concept of one man and one woman for a lifetime is a goal to which all Christian spouses should aspire. Unfortunately, we live in an age where Christian marriages don’t look all that Christian. Too often, marriages in the church resemble cultural ideas rather than God’s ideal. The...
July 10, 2019 By CBMW
James A. Stahr (June 7, 1926—July 4, 2019), an evangelical churchman who was one of the original founding CBMW Council Members, died last week surrounded by his family in his home in Wheaton, IL. He was 93. Mr. Stahr’s obituary can be read below: James A. Stahr, age 93, a resident of Wheaton, IL, died Thursday, July 4th in...
July 1, 2019 By CBMW
DALLAS, TX — The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) voted at its annual General Assembly last week to declare the Nashville Statement as a “biblically faithful declaration.” By this action, the PCA joins several other evangelical institutions, including the Southern Baptist Convention weeks earlier, in appropriating the Nashville Statement in part or in full to...
June 5, 2019 By CBMW
Why are men so attracted to the message of Jordan Peterson? Peterson, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, came to public fame when he spoke against a Canadian law that stifles freedom of speech and intends to protect “gender identity and expression,” yet his comprehensive work is what has captivated the masses. His...
June 5, 2019 By CBMW
The hallmark of late modern Western culture is that it has forgotten itself. It is largely post-Christian and has not retained God in its knowledge. Failure to see God as He is means that man fails to see himself as he is. There is light all around, but often he fails to see it. Indeed,...