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October 29, 2020 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: The following article is excerpted from the October 29, 2020 episode of The Briefing, a daily worldview podcast hosted by Dr. Albert Mohler. Republished with permission. Even as almost all the mainstream media and most of the cultural conversation is attuned to the 2020 presidential election — and frankly, little else — today...
October 21, 2020 By CBMW
A moment of Copernican proportions aired on prime-time TV last week in America, but your average viewer probably didn’t bat an eye. In fact, it was designed to be rather unremarkable, right at home with the intellectual furniture that already inhabits the modern mind. The moment came during an ABC News town hall when former...
September 28, 2020 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following letter was sent out to our mailing list as part of our Fall fundraising campaign. If you would like to donate to the ministry of CBMW, you may do so at Dear friend of CBMW, The Lord gives a special kind of joy and “alert peacefulness” when you’re outnumbered five...
August 24, 2020 By CBMW
One of the most harmful and perverse aspects of contemporary American culture is the sexualization of our children, especially our young girls. While not new, this trend seems to be snowballing through various age-targeted marketing campaigns which advertise suggestive clothing, wanton pop idols, and bawdy TV shows and movies that are improper for any age,...
August 10, 2020 By CBMW
One of the many challenges confronting complementarians today is trying to avoid sounding too much like a broken record. In the face of a veritable cottage industry of egalitarian publishing, which perennially puts out new arguments as to why the church should abandon her traditional position on men and women, complementarians are tasked with re-articulating...
July 30, 2020 By CBMW
The current cover story for Christianity Today  is nothing short of alarming. I did a double take when I read this statistic in the article by sociologist Mark Regnerus: “According to a Census Bureau survey taken in 2018, only 35 percent of 25- to 34-year-old men were married, a precipitous and rapid plunge from 50...