
Pastor/Elder/Overseer: An Office Fitted for Men

Editor’s Note: The following article appears in the Fall 2024 issue of Eikon. The purpose of this brief essay is to identify some of the masculine qualities designed by God that fit a man for the arduous task of shepherding his flock…

Tyndale House Interview with Wayne Grudem

Dr. Wayne Grudem, CBMW co-founder and board member, recently sat down for and interview in Cambridge, England with the Principal of Tyndale House, Dr. Peter Williams. They discussed how to have a lifelong faithful ministry, engaging in theological polemics, and…

Pastors and Women in Ministry

At the 2017 Gospel Coalition meeting last week, there was a fascinating panel discussion about pastors and women in ministry. It’s a discussion about how complementarian pastors can encourage and strengthen the vital ministries of women in their churches. The…

An Interview with Jim Hamilton

Jim Hamilton joins Scott Corbin on Danvers Audio to discuss the importance of biblical theology for understanding gender complementarity, the family metaphor in the New Testament and its implications for churches, and how fathers can lead their children.

An Interview with Sam Allberry

Sam Allberry joins Colin Smothers on Danvers Audio to talk about his book “Is God Anti-Gay,” reparative therapy, pastoral ministry, and the practical benefits of a robust theology.

Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood

For years a debate has raged over how to define true masculinity and true femininity. While there is agreement that men and women share equally in the privilege of being made in God’s image, some views of manhood and womanhood…