A Journal for Biblical Anthropology

Eikon is a semi-annual journal dedicated to facilitating a scholarly and thoughtful conversation aimed at academicians, pastors, and laymen alike on issues ranging from gender, sexuality, marriage, singleness, personhood, family, and the many intersections that exist between these topics and biblical studies, church history, and systematic and practical theology.

Latest Articles

  • Introducing Eikon 6.2 (Fall 2024)

    By Michael Carlino

  • Book Review: “Embracing Complementarianism: Turning Biblical Convictions into Positive Church Culture”

    By Josh Hayward

  • Book Review: Terran Williams “How God Sees Women: The End of Patriarchy”

    By Tom Sculthorpe

  • Book Review: “Don’t Tell Anyone You’re Reading This: A Christian Doctor’s Thoughts on Sex, Shame, and Other Troublesome Issues”

    By G. Shane Morris

  • Book Review: Andrew Walker’s “Faithful Reason: Natural Law Ethics for God’s Glory and Our Good”

    By Jon Woodyard


The CBMW Podcast

Welcome the Podcast of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The CBMW Podcast is dedicated to conversation on issues related to gender, sexuality, and biblical anthropology. Thanks for listening!

1987 The Danvers Statement

2017 The Nashville Statement