
5 Key Ways to Cultivating Biblical Manhood in Your Church

Perhaps no one has more assiduously—and gleefully—documented the disappearance of men than Hanna Rosin. In her 2010 book, The End of Men, and in subsequent articles, Rosin has traced the disappearance of men, as defined by traditional roles and responsibilities.  And she…

New JBMW is Here

We’re excited to announce the release of JBMW Spring 2016. You can download the entire journal as a PDF or each individual article. Subscribe here to receive your print copy of JBMW. Also, listen to what our editor Dr. Jason Duesing had to say in…

New JBMW is Here

We’re excited to announce the release of JBMW Spring 2016. You can download the entire journal as a PDF or each individual article. Subscribe here to receive your print copy of JBMW. Also, listen to what our editor Dr. Jason Duesing had to say in…