12.11.2024. — Eikon 6.2, Journal Introduction

Introducing Eikon 6.2 (Fall 2024)

by Michael Carlino

CBMW’s latest installment of Eikon (6.2) features essay from Louis Markos, Kyle Claunch and Michael Carlino, and James Wood. This Fall 2024 issue focused on the natural and complementary differences between men and women. As Executive Editor Jonathan E. Swan writes in the Editorial:

Since its inception in 2019, Eikon has been devoted to renewing and deepening evangelical complementarian convictions by seeking to understand how our God-given roles reflect and fit our God-given nature as male and female. And in this issue we give special attention to these natural differences in hopes of continuing to articulate a ‘natural complementarianism’ — a complementarianism that recognizes that our complementary function is fitted to our complementarian form as male and female. We invite you to explore this theme through the table of contents below, which includes a forum featuring responses by R. Albert Mohler, Jr., David Haines, and Miles Smith.

If you would like a print copy of Eikon, you can subscribe to receive each Spring and Fall issue. A digital copy (pdf) of the print edition is also available for free. Links to each essay in blog format are provided below in the Table of Contents.

4 | Editorial: Enduring Natural Differences | Jonathan E. Swan
9 | The Ancient Paths: A Monk’s Unlikely Marriage | Jonathan E. Swan
13 | From the Pastor’s Desk: Biblical Complementarity, the Law Amendment, and the Southern Baptist Convention | Heath Lambert
16 | C.S. Lewis on the True Nature of Morality and the Sexes | Louis Markos
20 | Gender Essentialism in Anthropological, Covenantal, and Christological Perspective | Kyle Claunch and Michael Carlino

On Natural and Complementary Differences: A Forum
73 | David Haines
78 | R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
81 | Doug Ponder
85 | Miles Smith
89 | Erik Thoennes

More Articles
93 | The New “Conservative” Gender Egalitarianism, A Critique of Abigail Favale’s The Genesis of Gender and Nancy Pearcey’s The Toxic War on Masculinity | David Talcott
103 | Pastor/Elder/Overseer: An Office Fitted for Men | Alexander Strauch
107 | Feminine Courage | James Wood

112 | Innate Differences between Men and Women, Sexuality, and Christian Ethics | J. Alan
115 | Revisiting Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism | Jonathon Woodyard
121 | Sex, Gender, and Identity in Pastoral Counseling | Jens Bruun Kofoed


133 | The Widening of God’s Mercy: Sexuality within the Biblical Story | Thomas Schreiner
142 | Don’t Tell Anyone You’re Reading This: A Christian Doctor’s Thoughts on Sex, Shame, and
Other Troublesome Issues | Shane Morris
148 | Faithful Reason: Natural Law Ethics for God’s Glory and our Good | Jonathon Woodyard
152 | How God Sees Women: The End of Patriarchy | Tom Sculthorpe
156 | Embracing Complementarianism: Turning Biblical Convictions into Positive Church Culture
| Josh Hayward

  • Michael Carlino

    Michael R. Carlino is the Operations Director for CBMW, a PhD candidate in Systematic Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and an Adjunct Professor of Christian Theology at Boyce College. He and his wife Kylie live with their two children in Clarksville, IN. He is a member of Kenwood Baptist Church where he serves as a Youth Leader.

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    By Michael Carlino

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