Book Reviews

Liberty in the Things of God (Book Review)

A widely-held paradigm in Western intellectual history is that religious freedom originated with enlightened intellectuals during the seventeenth century. By this telling, philosophers fatigued by Europe’s never-ending wars of religion introduced new concepts about toleration and religious freedom which helped…

The Storm-Tossed Family and the Question of Idolatry

Russell Moore’s book The Storm-Tossed Family: How the Cross Reshapes the Home does not make for a straightforward book review. That’s in part because of the book’s structure and content. Each chapter could work as a standalone article. And when he…

Can Harry Really Become Sally?

Review of Ryan T. Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment  Ryan T. Anderson is no stranger to controversy. A scholar at The Heritage Foundation, he came to public notoriety when he and allies Robert George and…