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July 11, 2018 By Ryan Loague
July 11, 2018 By Ryan Loague
July 11, 2018 By Ryan Loague
April 20, 2018 By CBMW
In his first letter to Timothy, Paul writes with a concern that surfaces right from the start of the letter and continues to the end: the preservation of sound doctrine. Paul’s instruction to Timothy concerning sound doctrine is incisive and pervasive: Refute those who teach unsound doctrine (1 Tim 1:3; 5:17; 6:3–5), raise up leaders...
April 18, 2018 By CBMW
Below you can view video from the CBMW T4G18 pre-conference, The Nashville Statement: A Coalition for Biblical Sexuality: Session 1: Ligon Duncan, “What does Nashville have to do with Danvers?” Session 2: Albert Mohler, “Understanding the times; knowing what to do” Session 3: Denny Burk, “‘Male and female He created them’: Thinking biblically about transgenderism...
March 21, 2018 By Denny Burk
Mark Hemingway has a fascinating profile of Russell Moore over at The Weekly Standard. The piece focuses on the fallout among evangelicals from the 2016 election, but he includes a small bit about The Nashville Statement at the beginning. Hemingway writes: The Nashville Statement is, in some respects, a model for civic engagement by churches...