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In his first letter to Timothy, Paul writes with a concern that surfaces right from the start of the letter and continues to the end: the preservation of sound doctrine. Paul’s instruction to Timothy concerning sound doctrine is incisive and pervasive: Refute those who teach unsound doctrine (1 Tim 1:3; 5:17; 6:3–5), raise up leaders...
Below you can view video from the CBMW T4G18 pre-conference, The Nashville Statement: A Coalition for Biblical Sexuality: Session 1: Ligon Duncan, “What does Nashville have to do with Danvers?” Session 2: Albert Mohler, “Understanding the times; knowing what to do” Session 3: Denny Burk, “‘Male and female He created them’: Thinking biblically about transgenderism...
Mark Hemingway has a fascinating profile of Russell Moore over at The Weekly Standard. The piece focuses on the fallout among evangelicals from the 2016 election, but he includes a small bit about The Nashville Statement at the beginning. Hemingway writes: The Nashville Statement is, in some respects, a model for civic engagement by churches...