Last month, the Biden Administration’s Department of Education teamed up with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services. What could bring such august departments of government together in cooperation — the full weight and authority of Education, Justice, Health, and Civil Rights? A back-to-school message specially tailored for transgender students:
U.S government dollars are hard at work pushing radical, experimental, and anti-science propaganda in opposition to the will of the people. A Gallup poll from earlier this year asked American citizens their thoughts on transgender participation in sports, and an overwhelming majority said participation should be based on sex, not gender identity.
Of course, what else would we expect from an administration that went out of its way to appoint a transgender assistant secretary of Health and Human Services, Dr. Rachel Levine (for those that watched the video linked above, the individual at the end of the video is a man who identifies as a woman).
According to this message to transgender students, the Biden Administration is attempting to use the Departments of Education, Justice, and Health and Human Services to push their radical agenda that would make sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) a matter of Civil Rights. They make this very clear in the video:
“In some places, people in positions of authority are putting up obstacles that would keep you from playing on the sports field, accessing the bathroom . . . . We want you to know that’s wrong, and it’s against the law.” -Kristen Clarke, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice
“We want you to know that the Department of Education and the entire federal government stand behind you. Your rights at school matter.” -Suzanne Goldberg, Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Education
What “rights” is she referring to? Kristen Clarke spells out exactly what they mean:
“The Department of Justice is here, along with the Department of Education, to investigate complaints about discrimination or harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity. We want you to know that we are looking out for you, and we’re here to protect your civil rights.”
If this is left unchecked, then prohibiting a biological male from, say, playing on the girls’ volleyball team and using the girls’ locker room would receive the same legal sanctions as, for instance, denying an individual access to a restaurant based on their skin color. Biden’s administrative state is not only pushing a radical transgender agenda amongst children that is unpopular with the people, but an agenda that would severely punish those same people for opposing something that so clearly goes against science, nature, and nature’s God.
The Bible couldn’t be clearer on this issue. In the beginning, God created mankind male and female in His image (Gen. 1:27). To deny such is to deny not only who we are, but also to deny our Maker. Woe to the one by whom such an offense comes.
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