This past week, Grant Castleberry reminded us that the Christian worldview stands in direct opposition to women in the draft. Tonight during the GOP Debate, several candidates announced their support for drafting women into the U. S. military.
We at CBMW have a different position on this issue. Let us explain.
This is a Modern Innovation
The narrative of history reminds us that where the gospel has gone, so has the highest view of women. Jesus enfranchised women, making them eyewitnesses to his resurrection. The early church contravened Roman social codes in calling adulterous men to task, and leaving women with agency in such cases. Western men, disproportionately influenced by some form of Christianity, have historically put their lives on the line in combat to protect women and children. No Western society influenced in some way by the Christian worldview has asked women to enter combat in the same way as men.
In addition to western societies, past American military leaders, such as General(s) George Patton and Douglas MacArthur, believed that only men should serve in combat designated positions.
Furthermore, and even recently, we see a difference in combat performance results between men and women. The United States has recently tested women in combat, and they haven’t performed as well in these tests.
Christian Dads Should Never Let Their Daughters Die for Them
It should be said that Christian dads should never allow their little girls to die for them. This is the opposite of manhood. This is the opposite of honor. This is the opposite of Christlike self-sacrifice on the part of men (Eph. 5:22-33). What’s more, this is the logical conclusion of C.S. Lewis’ discussion of “men without chests.” Any man who would ask his wife or daughter to endure the horrors of war to protect him has missed the very core of biblical manhood, and Christ’s own example as the Savior of his Bride.
As a society, we sometimes talk about honor, heroism, and courage, but we regularly fail to cultivate it in the life of our men. Cultural moments like this one remind us of how important it is to raise children with a biblical worldview. Part of this work is training boys to risk their own comfort and ease for the good of women. We want youths who are less frat-boy all-star and more Davidic “mighty men” (see 2 Sam. 23). David’s warriors did not fear death. They feared something worse: cowardice. So should we.
We are Holistically Pro-Woman and Cannot Support This
At CBMW, we are completely pro-woman. Unlike a secular, gender-blurring culture, we honor women and view them in the highest regard. As complementarians, we are committed to the biblical truths that men and women are completely equal in dignity, value, worth, and honor; however, men and women are different in role and function.
This–warfare–is a key arena in which we see differences between the sexes, both in terms of calling and design.
We are not saying that women cannot defend themselves if threatened. Godly women don’t fear Satan and know no limits in their willingness to oppose evil. We know the story of Deborah, and we have heard of Jael’s dexterity with a tent peg. If men do not answer the call, women will have no choice but to fight. This should not be, though. Women shouldn’t have to be in combat, because men should step up and lead the way.
As former CBMW President Randy Stinson has said, in terrible situations, “The man goes down, the woman goes free.” Amen. Let us be crystal-clear on this: if someone has to die in battle, it won’t be our daughters. As men of God, it will be us.
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