12.17.2015. — CBMW

News: Strachan co-authors resolutions for Evangelical Theological Society

by Matt Damico

Owen Strachan, president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, co-authored four resolutions adopted at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in Atlanta, Georgia, November 17-19.

The resolutions, which Strachan co-authored with Rob Schwarzwalder, senior vice president of the Family Research Council, affirm the dignity and complementarity of men and women, the biblical teaching of marriage as a union between one man and one woman, and that Scripture reserves sexual intimacy for the marital union.  

The resolutions codify the society’s commitment to believe and submit to the Bible’s teaching on matters related to marriage and sexuality, even as the views of the culture and the state shift further from the scriptural witness.

“In this age of great confusion regarding the origin and definition of gender and marriage it is vital that leaders of the evangelical church speak with a unified, clear, and biblically grounded voice,” said Erik Thoennes, chairman of CBMW’s board of directors. “I believe the statement recently affirmed by the Evangelical Theological Society provides a necessary and helpful affirmation of God’s good design on these issues.”

The resolutions state:

(1) We affirm that all persons are created in the image and likeness of God and thus possess inherent dignity and worth.

(2) We affirm that marriage is the covenantal union of one man and one woman, for life.

(3) We affirm that Scripture teaches that sexual intimacy is reserved for marriage as defined above. This excludes all other forms of sexual intimacy.

(4) We affirm that God created men and women, imbued with the distinct traits of manhood and womanhood, and that each is an unchangeable gift of God that constitutes personal identity.

“I am thankful that these resolutions were adopted by ETS,” said Strachan. “Rob Schwarzwalder and I authored them out of a concern that fellow theologians and church leaders speak with one voice in support of basic biblical commitments on marriage, human identity, and sexuality. These resolutions do not represent one privileged perspective, but rather speak to broadly held convictions about God-designed institutions and individuals.”

“The ETS resolutions do not reflect a change in the doctrinal platform of the society,” Strachan continued. “Rather, they signify that evangelical scholars from a wide spectrum unite in common support of scriptural teaching on sexual ethics.”

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