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CBMW and ACBC Team Up to Address Transgenderism

February 3, 2015

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By Greg Gibson

February 3, 2015

We are excited to announce our partnership with ACBC for their pre-conference on Transgender Confusion and Transformational Christianity.


We at CBMW are thrilled to be partnering with ACBC for their ever-important pre-conference on Transgender Confusion and Transformational Christianity before their Annual Conference on the topic of homosexuality.

From the ACBC website:

Our culture is flooded with transgender confusion. The Christian Gospel speaks into this confusion with revolutionary clarity. God sovereignly assigns a gender to people created in his image. The powerful grace of Jesus Christ redeems and restores to sanity our thinking corrupted by sin. The church must speak with biblical conviction into this chaos with the clarity and love of Christ.

This year’s ACBC pre-conference is dedicated to helping counselors navigate the gender distinctions of the 21st century. It is a matter of urgent concern that we be known as the people who move towards people struggling with transgender tendencies with the love, grace, power, and hope of Jesus Christ and walk with them through the door to real and lasting change.

Our President, Owen Strachan, will be speaking, along with Albert Mohler and Denny Burk.  For more information on this incredible pre-conference, click here.


Greg Gibson is an elder and family ministries pastor, overseeing birth through college and marriages, at Foothills Church in Knoxville, TN.  He also serves on staff with CBMW.  Follow him on Twitter at @gregrgibson.

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