08.01.2022. — CBMW

NEWS: CBMW adds Dodds, James, and Rigney to Council

by Matt Damico

The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is pleased to announce the addition of three new council members: Abigail Dodds, Sharon James, and Joe Rigney.

Each of the three new members have made significant contributions to the articulation and defense of God’s good design in complementarianism. They are published authors and have been featured in Eikon, CBMW’s bi-annual journal for biblical anthropology. 

“I couldn’t be more pleased with these new additions to the Council,” said Denny Burk, President of CBMW. “Their writings advancing the Bible’s vision of complementarity have been outstanding. We are really privileged to have them join our work in this official capacity.”

“James, Dodds, and Rigney represent the very best of evangelical engagement in the public square on some of the most contested issues of our day,” said Colin Smothers, executive director of CBMW. “As they guard the good deposit of the faith with conviction and compassion, disciples are being made and the church is being edified through their ministries. We are grateful to have them on board to strengthen the mission of CBMW.”

Abigail Dodds is the author of (A)Typical Woman: Free, Whole, and Called in Christ and Womanhood: A Student’s Guide to Womanhood, in addition to writing regular blogs and articles for DesiringGod and WORLD. She and her husband, Tom, have five children and are members at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis. 

Sharon James is a social policy analyst for the Christian Institute, an organization that contends for the truth of God’s Word in the United Kingdom. James has written a number of books, including Lies We are Told, the Truth We Must Hold: Worldviews and Their Consequences and Gender Ideology: What Do Christians Need to Know? She is married to Bill — Principal of London Seminary — and they have two grown children.

Joe Rigney is president of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He is the author of The Things of Earth: Treasuring God by Enjoying His Gifts and More Than a Battle: How to Experience Victory, Freedom, and Healing from Lust. He is a husband, father of three, and pastor at Cities Church in St. Paul, Minnesota.

The council is composed of men and women who align with the organization’s vision — including the Danvers Statement and the Nashville Statement — and who contribute to the ministry in a variety of ways.

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