One mission of CBMW is to help Christians think through secular and ecclesial trends on gender and sexuality. Through this work, we pore over a lot of different news reports and articles as we attempt to wade through the ceaseless flow of information on the web. In our weekly Gender and Sexuality News Roundups, we aim to distill some of the more pertinent information for you.
The articles below are from a wide variety of sectors and publications, organized generally into three categories. They are presented in aggregate, not necessarily endorsed.
If you see an article that you think should be featured in future CBMW News Roundups, you can send it to with the subject “News Roundup.”
Ecclesial Trends on Gender and Sexuality
CBMW Announces Additions to Council, CBMW (Matt Damico)
“The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood has added seven complementarian leaders, scholars, and pastors to its council, signaling a generational shift in the organization. Those added to the board are Jason Allen, H.B. Charles, Jim Hamilton, Margaret Kostenberger, Rob Lister, Katie McCoy, and Joy White.”
Columbia Methodist church become only one in SC to join push for gay marriage rights, The State (Tom Barton)
“The Washington Street United Methodist Church Council voted unanimously at the end of July to join a network of other ministries across the country pushing for church reforms. ‘Washington Street has been living out her welcome and affirmation of all people for over a decade, ‘Pastor Patricia Parrish said in a statement on the church’s website. ‘This affiliation with Reconciling Ministries Network does not change who we are, but is a public declaration of our deep desire for change … and our commitment to seek the change we desire.'”
Secular Trends on Gender and Sexuality
Kentucky Supreme Court hears case of printer who refused to make LGBT pride T-shirt, The Hill (Marina Pitofsky)
“The Kentucky Supreme Court on Friday heard arguments from a print shop owner who refused to make a T-shirt for an LGBT pride celebration, citing his First Amendment rights and saying he should not be forced to produce messages that go against his religious beliefs. Blaine Adamson, who owns Hands-On Originals in Lexington, Ky., declined to make the shirts in honor of Lexington’s 2012 Gay Pride Festival, The Associated Press reported. The shirts had ‘Lexington Pride Festival’ around a number five, marking the celebration’s fifth year.”
Lara Spencer apologizes for ridiculing Prince George and ballet, but the damage has been done, Washington Post (Sarah L. Kaufman)
“Boys face a complex web when they take up dancing, with its perceived connection to femininity. Many face assumptions about their sexuality, and their behavior is constantly policed — by other boys and adults, by society and eventually by ‘Good Morning America,’ where it was presumed okay to lampoon an activity that doesn’t fit the gender norm. “
Gender and Sexuality Miscellany
Why Sexually Transmitted Infections Can’t Shake Their Stigma, The New York Times (Jen Gunter)
“What makes this especially surprising is that S.T.I.s are so ubiquitous. Consider that 50 percent of sexually active people will have at least one S.T.I. by age 25 (HPV is the most common) and there are over 110 million new and existing S.T.I. cases each year in the United States. People are clearly not shy sharing with me, so the only logical conclusion is the sexual revolution stopped short of liberating people from the shame and stigma of sexually transmitted infections.”
Complementarianism and the Created Order [VIDEO], CBMW (Colin Smothers)
“What is it in Genesis 1 and 2 that Paul appeals to in order to ground male headship in 1 Corinthians 11:1–16 and 1 Timothy 2:8–15? CBMW executive director Colin Smothers recently went on the Remnant Radio podcast to discuss how complementarianism is grounded in the created order.”
Should Women Preach in Our Churches?, TGC (Kevin DeYoung)
“This is not an article about the case for complementarianism instead of egalitarianism. That matters, of course, but this piece is for self-identified complementarians wondering if their theology can allow, or should allow, for women preaching.
“Here is the question I want to address:
“Is there biblical justification, given basic complementarian convictions, for the practice of women preaching sermons in a Sunday worship service?”
Does Ephesians 5:21 teach mutual submission?, CBMW (Denny Burk)
“The pattern for a husband’s headship is Christ’s headship over his bride, the church. There is no reciprocal submission between Christ and his bride; neither is there to be such between husbands and their wives. Are there mutual obligations for husbands and wives? Yes. Is there mutual submission in the reciprocal sense? No. On the contrary, Paul calls on wives to affirm and support the headship of their husbands, and he calls on husbands to love their wives self-sacrificially.”
Challenging ‘Gay Christian’ Identity, CBMW (Colin Smothers)
“[H]ostility toward the old self and hospitality toward the new self should characterize the Christian. Why? Because the old self is no longer the true self, the authentic self. The old self has been crucified with Christ (Rom 6:6) and therefore we are called to mortify it and its desires (Col 3:5–10). The new self is who we are in Christ.”
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The State of Complementarianism in the ACNA (Rt Rev’d Dr Felix Orji)
By Felix Orji