The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood has added six complementarian leaders, scholars, and pastors to its council, signaling a generational shift in the organization.
Those added to the board are Jason Allen, H.B. Charles, Jim Hamilton, Margaret Kostenberger, Rob Lister, and Joy White.
“I couldn’t be more grateful for these new council members,” said Denny Burk, president of CBMW. “Each one of them in their own way has been a faithful proponent of what the Bible teaches about manhood and womanhood. I am thrilled that they are coming on board to help us spread the vision of the Danvers and Nashville statements. Biblical clarity on these issues is needed more than ever these days, and it is heartening to see these new council members step forward to help in this effort.”
CBMW was founded in 1987 with the crafting of the Danvers Statement, which was written to articulate the Bible’s teaching on gender roles and to address the challenges of the day. In 2017, CBMW adopted the Nashville Statement on Sexuality to address new challenges. With the adoption of the Nashville Statement and this new set of board members, CBMW aims to equip a new generation of Christians to face a new set of challenges.
“I’m thankful to God for his providential guidance in bringing this remarkable group of strong complementarian leaders to the CBMW Council,” said Wayne Grudem, one of CBMW’s founders and council members. “I think all of them appreciate how the work of CBMW is more necessary now than ever because of the massive confusion over human sexuality in modern society.”
About the additions:
Jason Allen is president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, where he has served since 2012. He’s the author of The SBC and the 21st Century and Discerning Your Call to Ministry.
H.B. Charles is the pastor-teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida, where he has served since 2008. He has authored a number of books, including On Preaching and It Happens After Prayer.
Jim Hamilton is professor of biblical theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and the senior pastor of Kenwood Baptist Church. He’s the author of several books, including God’s Glory in Salvation Through Judgment and What Is Biblical Theology?
Margaret Köstenberger serves as associate professor of theology and women’s ministry and faculty coordinator of women’s programs at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She is the author of Jesus and the Feminists and the coauthor of God’s Design for Man and Woman.
Rob Lister is associate professor of biblical and theological studies at the Talbot School of Theology outside of Los Angeles, California. He is the author of God Is Impassible and Impassioned.
Joy White is assistant professor of women’s studies at Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio.
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