01.08.2019. — CBMW

Gender and Sexuality News Roundup (1/8/19)


One mission of CBMW is to help Christians think through secular and ecclesial trends on gender and sexuality. Through this work, we pore over a lot of different news reports and articles as we attempt to wade through the ceaseless flow of information on the web. In our weekly Gender and Sexuality News Roundups, we aim to distill some of the more pertinent information for you.

The articles below are from a wide variety of sectors and publications, organized generally into three categories. They are presented in aggregate, not necessarily endorsed.

If you see an article that you think should be featured in future CBMW News Roundups, you can send it to cbmwoffice@cbmw.org with the subject “News Roundup.”


Ecclesial Trends on Gender and Sexuality

250 Dutch Pastors Just Signed the Anti-LGBTQ “Nashville Statement,” Patheos (Hemant Mehta)

“Now, that document has been translated into Dutch. It’s been signed by roughly 250 Christian leaders in the Netherlands — all men, of course, some of whom are politicians — and it’s infuriating citizens (including more progressive pastors) who thought their nation cared more about civil rights that these pastors would lead others to believe.”

Our Anglican Christmas has been tarnished by the church’s role as an enabler of LGBT hate, The Independent (Jonathan Cooper)

“The criminalization of homosexuality and the global Anglican Communion go hand-in-hand.”

Gender Equality in the Church, Q Ideas (Ashley Matthews)

“She’ll lay out a vision of Christian gender justice that requires each of us to examine our own assumptions and biases and consider why God has given us our responsibilities.”

Women in Missions Leadership Walk a Tightrope, Christianity Today (Amy Peterson)

“In Women in God’s Mission: Accepting the Invitation to Serve and Lead, missions researcher Mary Lederleitner describes both the particular obstacles women leaders face and the unique blessings they offer the body of Christ.”

He Was a Gay Man on staff at a Catholic Parish. Then the Threats Began Coming In., The New York Times (Laurie Goodstein)

“Pope Francis has veered between sounding accepting and critical of L.G.B.T. people, supplying the church’s opposing flanks with plenty of ammunition.”

ProLife Speaker Ryan Bomberger Discredited for Making Some Wheaton College Students Feel “Unsafe”, Eternal Perspective Ministries (Randy Alcorn)

“Last month, Ryan was invited by the College Republicans at Wheaton College to share his presentation ‘Black LIves Matter In and Out of the Womb.’…However, in the following days Ryan became the center of controversy when the student body president, vice-president, and the executive VP of community diversity wrote a letter saying he made people, minorities in particular, feel ‘unsafe.'”

Another Religious Test in the Senate, The Wall Street Journal (Eugene F. Rivers IIIq)

“If the Knights [of Columbus] can be targeted, what should members of my Pentecostal church expect? We share traditional views on abortion and marriage.”


Secular Trends on Gender and Sexuality

Petition Launched To Remove Law Professor For “Discriminatory” Comments, The Oxford Student (Tom Gould)

“A petition to remove Emeritus Professor of Law and Legal Philosophy John Finnis from teaching has attracted three hundred and fifty signatures in five days. Finnis has been accused of having “a long record of extremely discriminatory views against many groups of disadvantaged people”, including the LGBTQ community.”

When Your Daughter Defies Biology, The Wall Street Journal (Abigail Shrier)

“The burden of mothers whose children suffer from ‘rapid onset gender dysphoria.’”

30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet, The Federalist (Stella Morabito)

“‘Trans Life Survivors’ is a godsend for people struggling with trans regret, no matter what stage of transition or de-transition they are in.”

Protecting Sex From Liberalism, The Public Discourse (Anthony McCarthy)

“Our culture increasingly treats human bodies, sex, reproduction, and family structures as malleable to a radical degree. We need to recognize that the human body was chosen by God, in whose image and likeness we are made.”

How Denial and Victim Blaming Keep Sexual Assault Hidden, Institute for Family Studies (Jason Whiting)

“Sexual assault often remains hidden due to a combination of denial, manipulation, and confusion”

Settle Down or ‘Lean In’?, National Review (Andrea Mrozek)

“There’s no shortage of advice directed at young women, but most of it misses the mark by failing to grapple with one stark reality of the wealthy Western world: Family and marriage are wholly unattainable for many.”

The Partisan Divide in Marriage and Family Life: Four Takeaways from the 2018 American Family Survey, Institute for Family Studies (W. Bradford Wilcox)

“Nevertheless, even as a conservative, I wish there was no partisan divide in marriage and family life. Not only do these family patterns feed into ideological and political divisions, but they also suggest that marriage is less appealing and accessible to Americans who are not conservative or Republican. After all, most Americans are not conservative or Republican.”

College students pushing to ban lewdness on campuses, Inside Higher Ed (Jeremy Bauer-Wolf)

“Students at Notre Dame have launched a campaign that has inspired others around the country to ask their institutions to block explicit content.”

Gender and Sexuality Miscellany

Baptizing the Spirit of the Age, First Things (Matthew Lee Anderson)

“The Church of England recently released a document of “pastoral” guidelines for performing an “Affirmation of Baptismal Faith” ceremony for transgender individuals.”

Fairness for All? On SOGI Laws and Otherworldly Beauty, Center for Public Theology (Owen Strachan)

“The evangelical movement—and the religious community more generally—seems largely asleep in the face of its peril. In recent days in America, two evangelical organizations have signaled their desire to add religious ‘protections’ to SOGI laws.”

What Advent Waiting Means for Singles, Christianity Today (Brianna DeWitt)

“In the midst of relational uncertainty, this season invites me to savor God’s goodness.”

I Take You, Desiring God (Scott Hubbard)

“Today, we stand on the edge of an unknown country and make promises bigger than both of us. To have and to hold. For better or worse. To love and to cherish. Till death do us part.”

How protected is your teen from finding pornography online?, ERLC (Julie Masson)

“The lesson to learn from this quiz, no matter your score, is that you must be involved in your teen’s device use… So, don’t hand your teenager a phone if you don’t have the time to teach him or her how to use a smartphone properly and safely.”

On Getting & Keeping Masculine Men in Church, Patheos (C. R. Wiley)

“One of the things I’m grateful for over my 30 plus years of ministry is I’ve had a lot of good men in my churches. Getting them into church and keeping them there hasn’t been a big problem for me…What follows are some bits of advice rooted mostly in common sense.”


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