06.29.2017. — Public Square

CBMW Announcement: Grant Castleberry Resigns as CBMW Executive Director


By Grant Castleberry

On Friday, June 17, I told the CBMW Board of Directors that I was resigning as Executive Director of CBMW. The reason I am leaving CBMW is because I have overwhelmingly sensed God’s call to full-time pastoral ministry.

CBMW is an organization that impacted me when I was a young man. I read Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood when I was twenty-three on a plane ride from New Orleans to Houston, and in the process my life was transformed as my understanding of marriage, manhood, and womanhood was sharpened by the Word of God. To be able to serve the organization that equipped me so instrumentally as a young man has been an honor and a privilege. I am so glad that God gave me this opportunity.

I am deeply indebted to the CBMW Board: Erik Thoennes, Ligon Duncan, Danny Akin, Wayne Grudem, Miguel Núñez, Jason Duesing, Thomas White, and Jeff Purswell, who gave me the opportunity to lead this great organization in May of 2014. Their wisdom and investment in my life the past three years is something for which I will always be grateful.

I have also had the privilege of serving under two outstanding leaders, Owen Strachan and Denny Burk, who served as presidents of CBMW during my tenure. What impacted me the most about each of these men is their commitment to honor Christ and His Word, even through trying times. While following their leadership, I learned the importance of defending the truth no matter the cost, but also the necessity of “speaking the truth in love.” They are both pastor-theologians par excellence and, most importantly, godly men who strive for Christ-likeness and walk with integrity.

Perhaps I am most grateful for the brilliant men and women whom I have had the opportunity to serve alongside the past three years. Colin Smothers, Scott Corbin, Trillia Newbell, Courtney Reissig, Brittany Lind, Gavin Peacock, Kristin Schultz, Garrett Pearson, Kyle Worley, Brandon Smith, Mathew Sims, James Forbis, and Greg Gibson immediately come to mind. Their dedication, ingenuity, and desire to honor God in everything they do has been nothing short of inspiring. I owe so much to each of them.

Finally, I would like to thank the churches and individuals who have supported CBMW through their prayers and giving. Your investment in CBMW has been remarkable and encouraging throughout my tenure as Executive Director. It has been amazing for me to see how God has multiplied your investment in myriads of ways in the advancement of His kingdom. Your sacrificial giving truly enabled us to do the work God called us to do.

In July, I will be joining the staff of Providence Church in Frisco, Texas as Pastor of Discipleship. At Providence, I’ll be serving under a man I have deeply respected since high school when I first heard him preach—Afshin Ziafat. Under his leadership, I’ll be overseeing all discipleship programs as well as assisting in the preaching and teaching ministry of the church. I’ll also be serving alongside my friend and fellow Southern PhD student, Matt Boswell, who some of you might know through the hymns and worship songs he’s written. GraceAnna and I are thrilled about this opportunity to serve with the godly men and women at Providence Church in gospel ministry. I’ll also continue to work on my PhD studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Church History under Dr. Greg Wills and will be, Lord willing, writing a dissertation over the next two years in the field of American Puritanism.

I am looking forward to what lies ahead for CBMW. The Board has already chosen the next Executive Director, who will be announced on Friday. I am confident that he will lead CBMW to even greater heights. His gifting in administration and his knowledge of the issues pertaining to complementarianism and the biblical understanding of sexuality is remarkable. He is truly impressive and simply one of the best Christians I have ever met. I have no doubt that God will use him greatly in this role.

CBMW’s work is incredibly needed in this pressing hour of gender dysphoria. I have the upmost confidence that under CBMW President Denny Burk and the next Executive Director’s leadership, CBMW will continue to thrive and be used by God to do much needed work in equipping the church. I will continue to support CBMW’s endeavors and ministry from a distance. And I cannot wait to see what God has in store.


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