Below you will find the media for the 2016 CBMW T4G Pre-Conference, “The Beauty of Complementarity.”
DAY 1:
Grant Castleberry, Complementarity and the Honor of God
Jason Allen, Complementarity and the Disappearance of Men
Thomas White, Complementarity and the Call to Purity
Jackie Hill-Perry, Testimony: My Journey Out of Lesbianism to Complementarianism
Gavin Peacock, Complementarity and the Beauty of Submission
Miguel Nuñez, The Spiritual Power of Unashamed Preaching
Sam Allberry, The Formative Power of the Image of God
Owen Strachan, The Goodness and Truthfulness of Complementarity
Michael Kruger, Complementarity and Its Impact on the Greco-Roman World
Trillia Newbell, Testimony: My Journey Out of Feminism
Courtney Reissig, Testimony: My Journey Into Complementarity
Danny Akin, The Evangelistic Power of a Christian Family
H. B. Charles Jr., The Spiritual Power of a Godly Man
J. Ligon Duncan, Practical Guidelines for Pastors
Kevin DeYoung, Redemption Through Motherhood: Why Caring for Children is Caring for the World
Albert Mohler, The Doxological Power of Christian Witness
John Piper, Marriage Lived to the Glory of God
John MacArthur, Children in the Shade
DAY 2:
Women’s Conference
GraceAnna Castleberry, Count It Pure Joy: A Generation Returning to Motherhood
Mary Mohler, Workers at Home: The Temptation to be “Mom Plus”
Kristie Anyabwile, Fitted for Flourishing: How the Bible Creates a Happy Home
Mary Kassian, Teachers of Life: Titus 2 and Theological Discipleship
Courtney Reissig, Bound for Life: Following Your Husband Through Life’s Challenges
General Conference (cont’d)
Ronnie Floyd, How a Christian Father Raises Godly Sons
Heath Lambert, The Gospel for the Struggling: Overcoming Sinful Desire
Alistair Begg, The Glory of God in Marriage
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The State of Complementarianism in the ACNA (Rt Rev’d Dr Felix Orji)
By Felix Orji