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Topics: Book Reviews, Marriage

Review of Authentic Manhood’s A Man and His Marriage

May 8, 2015

It is no secret that our marriages are under attack. Could the enemy ask for a more strategic target than the divine institution meant to picture Christ’s relationship to the Church (Eph 5)? Not only is marriage currently under threat of redefinition by the broader culture, but even marriages that are biblically defined are in danger of failing to be biblically healthy.

33volume5-homepageWe need to fortify where we are under greatest attack, and this is why Authentic Manhood’s A Man and His Marriage is a welcome aid in the fight for our marriages. Written and produced to be used by groups or individuals, this resource is ready to be placed in the hands of pastors, small group leaders, and Sunday school teachers who desire to help men catch a vision of biblical manhood in marriage.

The format of the study couldn’t be any more accessible: it includes a 6-session DVD, a 120-page training guide for each participant, a group leader DVD, and even promotional material to advertise the study at your church or around your community.

With contributions from Paul Tripp, Sheila Wray Gregoire, Robert Lewis, Bryan Carter, Tierce Green, and John Bryson, the study covers everything from the biblical foundations of marriage to marital friendship; from happiness in marriage to marital sexual intimacy. Throughout the study men are challenged to confront their own selfishness and sinfulness and to own their leadership role by laying down their lives for their wives.

We need to wage war where the battle is being fought. And there is a battle raging right now over our marriages. Pastors, small group leaders, Sunday school teachers, fathers, mentors—let’s take the fight to the enemy. Let’s fight for our marriages. And A Man and His Marriage is sure to help us sharpen our blades for the battle.

For more information on Authentic Manhood’s 33 The Series, of which A Man and His Marriage is volume 5, visit

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