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News: Introducing Jason Duesing as JBMW Editor

January 20, 2015


Over the years, God has been gracious to CBMW with incredible leadership over our theological journal (JBMW).  It is with great excitement that we will continue to see such a high standard of leadership and academic excellence within our journal as we are pleased to announce Dr. Jason Duesing as the newest editor for The Journal for Biblical Manhood & Womanhood.

Dr. Duesing is Provost of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He holds a B.A. in Speech Communication from Texas A&M University, an M.Div. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Historical Theology and Baptist Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

A respected theologian, historian, and churchman, Dr. Duesing serves on the Southern Baptist Historical Library & Archives Advisory Board, the Committee on Nominations of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, a research fellow for Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and has been a member of the Evangelical Theological Society for over a decade. He is the author of Seven Summits in Church History (forthcoming, Rainer Publishing) and Adoniram Judson: A Bicentennial Appreciation of the Pioneer American Missionary and co-editor, with Malcolm Yarnell and Thomas White, of Upon this Rock, Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches, and First Freedom: The Baptist Perspective on Religious Liberty.

Dr. Duesing is married to Kalee and they have four children: Gracyn, Ford, Lindsey, and George. He and his family attend Travis Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas.

Upon his appointment to the CBMW board in July of 2014, Dr. Duesing noted the importance of CBMW’s ministry in today’s culture:

“CBMW is a crucial ministry today foundationally because having a resource ministry available to answer questions related (1) to the ever-changing world surrounding manhood and womanhood in the culture and (2) to the basic biblical principles for God-designed manhood and womanhood gives great hope to a rising generation seeking to find their way in a day of great chaos and confusion. In short, CBMW can serve as a “city of refuge” and a “strong tower of truth” for those wandering and for those wondering among the next generation.”

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Duesing as our new editor of JBMW.


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