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Topics: Leadership, Manhood

Manhood and Technology: A Series Recap

February 26, 2014


By Kyle Worley

Over the past few weeks we have been discussing the intersection between being faithful as men of God and the wise stewardship of technology. We considered everything from playing video games and using smartphones to the best way for us to either abstain from or redeem social media. If you missed any of this wonderful series, we have taken the time to collect all of the posts in this article so that you can either read them for the first time or revisit articles that struck you.

We have listed all of the posts in this series with their respective authors and a quote from the article. We hope you will take the time to profit from the conversation about how men have been shaped and can shape the digital age.

Manhood and Technology: Introducing a New Series by Kyle Worley || “Like a digital age Icarus, I had drawn too close to a light that was intended for good, but through overexposure had produced ill.”

Two Views of Smartphones by Andrew Spencer || “Technology has many wonderful uses. Smartphones are amazing artifacts of human ingenuity. But technology is so pervasive in our lives that it leaves us open to distraction and can undermine all of our relationships. Are you the master of your technology, or has your technology mastered you?”

Why I Kissed Social Media Goodbye? by Adam Groza || “Put bluntly, social media allows a person to electronically make themselves the center of attention and excuse this with what is known as the Golden Rationalization (i.e. “everybody does it”).”

Brothers, Do Not Be Overcome by Chris Crane || “We’ll be “bold for Christ” online, yet neglect to meet our neighbors. If we’re honest, we desire obedience on our own terms; however, when we’re confronted with the reality of what Jesus’ own terms for faithful discipleship are, we aren’t so keen about that.”

Technology and Social Media for the Glory of God by Mathew Sims || “As those who understand what it means to be made in the image of God, feel the weight of God’s declaration of goodness on creation, and take His mandate to have dominion seriously, Christians should be willing and ready to leverage technology and social media for the kingdom of God.”

Gaming, Greatness, and the Perfect Day by Peter Anderson || “Video games play a significant role in our daily lives and the advent of the smartphone and tablet has only increased our exposure. Historically, men have a connection to this medium because of our innate desire for accomplishment and purpose. While such desires are not solely masculine, men are often very task-oriented and enjoy checking off the goals or objectives found in a digital world.”

From and Iphone to a Blackberry: The Age of Digital Distraction by Peter Anderson || “In the end, I made the switch from an iPhone to a Blackberry based upon a desire to practice zealous Christian stewardship. Fulfilling God’s purposes for me as a Christian father and husband motivated my cellphone swap yet this might not everyone’s response.”

Videogames and Men by Richard Clark || “And yes, immature gamers who refuse to grow up exist too. Some of them play videogames in their mother’s basements. Some of them eat Doritos and drink Mountain Dew. Some of them are content with their situation and refuse to grow up. But not as many as you’d assume.”

Social Media and Shepherding Students by John Dyer || “To an over-scheduled teen under constant parental surveillance “Turn off your phone” basically means “Go to your room and be alone.” That’s no good either. Without real, unstructured time with friends, kids can’t develop the healthy social interactions today’s adults long for them to have.”

Thanks for reading. We hope this series has been as profitable for your reflection as it has been for us.

Kyle Worley is Connections Minister at the Village Church in Dallas, TX. He is the author of Pitfalls: Along the Path to Young and Reformed and blogs regularly at The Strife. He holds a double B.A. in Biblical Studies and Philosophy from Dallas Baptist University and an M.A. in Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is pursuing a M.A. in Religion atRedeemer Seminary. You can find Kyle on Twitter @kyleworley.

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