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Topic: Book Reviews

From the Archives: Jesus and the Feminists

December 4, 2013


What is feminism? The answer is not as simple as we might hope. Feminism consists of many streams and traditions. In fact, it might be more appropriate to speak of feminisms. How do we sort through the complexities? Margaret Köstenberger’s Jesus and the Feminists: Who Do They Say That He Is? helps readers sort through the different streams of the feminist tradition and how different groups of feminists have interpreted the person and work of Christ.

In a previous Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (15.2, Fall 2010), Micah Carter reviewed Margaret Köstenberger’s Jesus and the Feminists. Carter’s review highlights the different versions of feminism categorized and described in Köstenberger’s book; radical, reformist, and evangelical. Carter also briefly summarizes each group’s interpretive approach to the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

  • Radical Feminists place little value on Jesus, since he was a man who reflected the  patriarchal structures that permeated his culture.
  • Reformist feminists assert that Jesus was a feminists who promoted full equality of women and men in every facet of life.  This group, therefore, appeals to Jesus and his teachings in order to reform the Christian tradition from within.
  • Evangelical feminists work within the theological conviction that the Bible is inspired by God and inerrant, yet at the same time hold that the Bible teaches the full equality of men and women in in all areas of life—home, community, and church.

You can read the rest of Micah Carter’s review here, along with all of CBMW’s previous publications at the Journals page. For subscription information about the Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, contact us @CBMWreviews or email [email protected].

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