From Executive Director Owen Strachan: As CBMW is seeking support for our $30,000 matching campaign, we thought we would take this opportunity to introduce our readership to some evangelical leaders who support complementarianism and CBMW. Today, we interview Jared Oliphint, a sharp young thinker and Regional Coordinator for Westminster Theological Seminary. Thanks for reading, and please join us in our campaign!
Also, check out my interview on CBMW and complementarianism with Jared here.
Jared Oliphint is a ThM student at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, a contributor to Reformed Forum, and Regional Coordinator for WTS and member at Uptown Church PCA in Charlotte, NC. Follow him on Twitter: @JaredOliphint.
1. When did you become a complementarian, and what did that look like?
Because I grew up assuming the truth of biblical manhood and womanhood, you might say I’ve always been a complementarian. Those assumptions were pointedly challenged in college, so it was during that time when I became more intentional in grounding my understanding of manhood and womanhood in Scripture’s teaching. The combination of a biblically-based theology, seeing complementarianism demonstrated through my own parents, and observing its obvious truth pan out sociologically and culturally has led me to an unwavering commitment to complementarian thinking.
2. What role, if any, has CBMW played in your life and ministry?
When I started asking for resources on the topic in college (circa 1998), there was one common answer I received from just about everyone: Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem. The breadth of sub-topics and the depth within each article provided me with a needed foundation for engaging the topic. Since then I have been edified by the JBMW and, more recently, the CBMW site.
3. Why do you support CBMW, and encourage others to do the same?
Though there are a flood of Christian “causes” and interests vying for attention out there, CBMW sets itself apart by grounding its mission in Scripture and addressing a topic that is systemic in its anthropological and ethical reach. Given the cultural moment here in America regarding all the gender/sex/marriage discussions, as well as the global needs for a robust understanding of Scripture’s clear revelation to us on these issues, it’s difficult to imagine a responsible Christian in any setting opting out of engaging such a perennially important conversation. CBMW helps us do that, and I don’t know of a better entry way into thinking through biblical manhood and womanhood.
4. What have you written of late that would be of interest to CBMW readers?
I have a blog I use as kind of a dumping ground for some of my thoughts, but I also write for Reformed Forum from time to time. A few of those posts include “If One Believes in the Legitimacy of Same-Sex Marriage,” “Culture and Eschatology,” and “Redemptive-Historical Hermeneutics.”
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