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A Helpful Piece by Kevin DeYoung

May 3, 2013


by Trillia Newbell

Over at The Gospel Coalition, Kevin DeYoung shares some thoughts that I have been thinking but have been unable to articulate. Since he said it, I thought I would draw your attention to it. My thoughts stem more on a concern and desire for unity but this particular paragraph is helpful:

My caution, then, is that we don’t make a new version of complementarianism that has for one of its main objectives appeasing egalitarians. Let’s be winsome. Let’s answer honest questions. But let’s not think that any amount of apologizing or differentiation will win over those who think everything about complementarianism is backwards, oppressive, and mean. I get nervous when our passion seems less about the theology we say we want to celebrate and more about the ways our theology is a stumbling block to others. The impulse to rescue counter-cultural doctrines from their own unpopularity is one of the first steps to losing the doctrine altogether.

One thing we at CBMW desire to be is unapologetically and joyfully complementarian. It has been a joy to work with the crew of men and women on the site as we attempt to preserve and uphold the word of God and yet do so in a way that is gracious.

I hope that you will take a moment to read the entire post. DeYoung has some helpful thoughts and concerns about the New Wave Complementarian movement.

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