Fifteen years ago, complementarian scholars collaborated on a monumental work entitled Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood that became the bulwark defense of gender roles in the home and church from a historic evangelical perspective.
Fifteen years ago, complementarian scholars collaborated on a monumental work entitled Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism (RBMW) that became the bulwark defense of gender roles in the home and church from a historic evangelical perspective.
Crossway Books re-released RBMW this week complete with a new cover and new preface which was co-written by Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) leaders J. Ligon Duncan and Randy Stinson. RBMW is edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem. With its original release, RBMW was named Christianity Today’s Book of the Year for 1993.
In 2006 the work is perhaps more necessary than it was at the time of its original release with egalitarianism and feminism holding sway in many churches, evangelical schools, and homes, Duncan and Stinson assert in the new preface. Duncan serves as chairman of the board for CBMW, and Stinson serves as executive director for the organization.
“While evangelical complementarians have delivered an impressive body of exegetical and theological argument . . . there has been a continuing erosion of commitment to the church’s classic understanding of what the Bible teaches about male-female role relationships,” they write.
“An increasing number of evangelical publishers (once bastions of conservatism regarding gender roles) are publishing books from a feminist perspective, and some of them now refuse to print anything that assumes or advances complementarianism. Likewise, well-regarded campus ministries have adopted and implemented functionally egalitarian patterns of ministry, and many evangelical faculties, even in the most conservative of institutions, promote egalitarianism.”
The new printing of RBMW includes all of the chapters and materials from the original. The work covers the entire scope of gender issues from the biblical meaning of headship to head coverings and an examination of gender issues in church history.
Essayists include Piper, Grudem, Elisabeth Elliott, Dorothy Patterson, Paige Patterson, John M. Frame, Vern S. Poythress, Thomas R. Schreiner, D.A. Carson, and numerous other evangelical scholars. RBMW is available through the CBMW webstore at|162|Gender_Issues. The entire text is available online at
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