The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood hopes to encourage pastors and church leaders to boldly proclaim the Scripture’s teaching on gender issues through a half-day conference early next year in Minneapolis, Minn.
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood hopes to encourage pastors and church leaders to boldly proclaim the Scripture’s teaching on gender issues through a half-day conference early next year in Minneapolis, Minn.
The conference theme is “Different by Design: A Crucial Call to Faithfulness on Gender Issues” and will feature two speakers: theologian and author Wayne Grudem and Sovereign Grace Ministries President C.J. Mahaney. Admission is free but limited to the first 225 persons who register.
CBMW’s half-day conference will be held just prior to the start of the 2005 Bethlehem Conference for Pastors on Jan. 31. The pastor’s conference will include speakers such as John Piper, Bruce Ware and Ken Jones. Both conferences will be held at the Minneapolis Hilton.
Randy Stinson, CBMW’s executive director, said the conference is designed to encourage pastors and church leaders to be faithful in teaching their congregations a distinctly biblical view of gender issues.
“CBMW is excited to be able to encourage and embolden pastors as they lead their congregations,” Stinson said. “The gender issue is central to the health of the home and the church and pastors should be equipped to stand against the cultural tide.
“With all of the novel and sometimes bizarre egalitarian arguments coming from some sectors in the evangelical community we feel it is necessary to offer concentrated teaching in a conference format.”
Grudem will address exegetical and theological issues on gender and Mahaney will deliver a pastoral charge. For more information on the conference or to register, please see
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