A CBMW Partner is a Christian who champions the beauty of God’s design for gender, sexuality, and marriage and has come alongside CBMW through a suggested monthly financial partnership of $30 or more. It is through the monthly support of CBMW partners that CBMW is able to sustain its ministry in our gender-confused world.
You can become a CBMW Partner through one of three ways: 1) you can fill out the secured form below, pledging your monthly support through an online monthly donation; 2) you can send a monthly check to CBMW at 2825 Lexington Rd., Louisville, KY 40280, indicating in the memo line “CBMW Partner”; or 3) you can call CBMW at (502) 897-4065 and we will set you up as a CBMW Partner.
By becoming a CBMW Partner, you are taking a stand—not for a political ideology or mere conservative values, but for the truth of God’s Word on these important issues. That said, we want to encourage you in your stand by equipping you with Bible-based, complementarian resources. CBMW Partners receive: