Join CBMW in partnership with the Bluegrass Biblical Counseling Coalition in Lexington, KY at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church on Saturday, April 27th for a conference featuring Dr. Denny Burk on the theme, “What is the meaning of sex?” Admission price is $10.00, $5.00 for students with a valid student ID. Lunch will be on your own.

9:00–9:15 | Introduction

9:15–10:00 | Plenary I: The Bible and Sexuality

10:00–11:00 | Breakout Sessions:

Jimmy Carter: Counseling in a Confused Culture

Colin Smothers: Training the Next Generation for Biblical Sexuality in Our Age of Rebellion

11:00–11:45 | Plenary II: How Do We Speak About Homosexuality?

11:45–1:15 | Lunch Break (on your own at area restaurants)

1:15–2:00 | Plenary III: Answering the Transgender Challenge

2:00–3:00 | Q&A