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by Candice Watters We’re big planners. The end of a year in our home means reviewing the highs and lows, blessings and challenges of time recently passed. And the start of a new one means a fresh slate of ideas and aspirations. Steve and I both embrace the discipline of setting goals and living intentionally. We’ve...
by Candice Watters It’s a daily complaint among moms of infants and young children: not enough time to read much, or any, of the Bible. Focused prayer doesn’t fare much better amidst the din of crying, bickering, and loudly playing, early rising little ones. I asked a friend who is presently Mom to a 4-year-old,...
by Candice Watters Is it true that family is the building block of society? If the family fails, will society fail with it? Rightly answering these questions has never been more critical. It seems each day brings new headlines about the further assault on the natural family, and with it, more chaos and confusion. Every...