11.16.2022. —

Introducing Fall 2022 Eikon

by Jonathan Swan

Today’s release of the Fall 2022 Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology completes its fourth volume and serves as a written monument recognizing the fifth anniversary of the Nashville Statement (2017). As such, much of this issue is dedicated to reflection on the history, influence, and continued importance of the Nashville Statement. In addition to essays by CBMW President Denny Burk and CBMW co-Founder John Piper, this issue of Eikon includes a symposium of church and institutional leaders worldwide who reflect on the importance of the Nashville Statement for their respective ministries.

Eikon is available in free in digital format and is accessible in blog form at CBMW.org. Print copies are also available through subscription.

See the the table of contents below for the full list of articles and reviews:


4 | “On the Nashville Statement” | Colin Smothers
7 | “Why Nashville and Why Now?” | Denny R. Burk
24 | “The Ancient Paths, On Sexual Intimacy in Marriage” | Michael A.G. Haykin
28 | “Danvers, Nashville, and Early Complementarianism” | John Piper
35 | “Why I Changed My Mind on the Nashville Statement” | Todd Pruitt
38 | “Reflecting on the Origins and Purposes of the Nashville Statement” | Andrew T. Walker
Five Years Later: Reflections on the Nashville Statement:
44 | “The Nashville Statement”
48 | “Confessional Integrity and the Nashville Statement” | Jason K. Allen
50 | “A Storm Broke Loose: The Publication of the Nashville Statement in the Netherlands” | Maarten Klaasen
54 | “A Reflection on the Nashville Statement” | Brian J. Arnold
56 | “The Nashville Statement on Biblical Sexuality” | Thomas White
58 | “The Nashville Statement in German” | Ron Kubsch
62 | “A Reflection on the Nashville Statement” | Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver
64 | “Reflection on the Nashville Statement” | Danny Akin
More Articles:
68 | “Transgender and Teenagers” | Sharon James
80 | “Leading with Who You Are: The Misunderstood Calling of the Submitted Wife” | Rosaria Butterfield
92 | “Truth Be Told: Empirical Research Regarding Complementarian Institutional Vitality” | Linda Reed
104 | “Detransitioners in Your Church Doorway?” | Jonathan P. Clemens


117 | Dangerous Affirmation: The Threat of “Gay Christianity” | Reviewed by Rosaria Butterfield
122 | The Biblical World of Gender: The Daily Lives of Ancient Women and Men | Reviewed by Joshua M. Greever
126 | In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration | Reviewed by Kyle D. Claunch
135 | The Lies We Are Told, The Truth We Must Hold: Worldviews and Their Consequences | Reviewed by Michael Carlino
139 | Gender Identity and Faith: Clinical Postures, Tools, and Cases Studies for Client-Centered Care | Reviewed by Josh Blount
143 | The Future of Christian Marriage | Reviewed by David Talcott
148 | Embodied: Living as Whole People in a Fractured World | Reviewed by Jeremy M. Kimble
152 | Spending the Winter | Reviewed by Betsy Howard


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