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by Steve Watters Have you found a good Advent reading for your family this year? Last year, Candice posted about the significance of family Advent reading and provided several recommendations. I want to add two new recommendations to that list. The Expected One is a new Advent reading produced by Scott James, a pediatrician who...
by Candice Watters Apart from the turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie, one of our favorite Thanksgiving meal traditions is a Pilgrim quiz. In the center of our table, next to the feast, is a small bowl with strips of paper. On each is a question. Questions like: How many Pilgrims left for the New World?...
BY JOSHUA TORREY I worked on a Catechism for the church at which my family served. This Baptistic Catechism is a derivative of multiple Presybterian Confessions. Some days it pained me more than others to see the things that had been taken out. Other days I was stressed by my attempts to retain the meaning...
by Candice Watters It’s a daily complaint among moms of infants and young children: not enough time to read much, or any, of the Bible. Focused prayer doesn’t fare much better amidst the din of crying, bickering, and loudly playing, early rising little ones. I asked a friend who is presently Mom to a 4-year-old,...
by Candice Watters As soon as our firstborn was old enough for a train, we shelled out the bucks for an HO Gauge setup. The whole thing was contained in a big box the size of our dining room table and included a mountain encircling a countryside and town nestled in a shining valley below....
(Editor’s note: The following article is the final part in a series adapted from pastor John Kimbell’s sermon delivered at Clifton Baptist Church on June 29, 2014.) by John Kimbell In Part 2, we looked at why children should obey. And now, a word for parents. In Ephesians 6:4, Paul says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children...