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Topic > Complementarianism
At CBMW we want to provide a practical vision for how to live as a biblical complementarian in the nitty-gritty of real life. This is the first of a periodic series of interviews with Council members answering the following question: In practical ways in your marriage relationship, how do you balance gender equality with male...
A Summary of the Egalitarian Position I. A Broad Overview of The Egalitarian Position A. Created Equality God created male and female as equal in all respects. Gen. 1:26-27 makes no distinction between woman and man insofar as both are equally made in His image (i.e., ontological equality), and both are given the responsibility...
For years a debate has raged over how to define true masculinity and true femininity. While there is agreement that men and women share equally in the privilege of being made in God’s image, some views of manhood and womanhood blur God-given gender distinctions. Wayne Grudem assembled a team of distinguished writers to show how...