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Topic > Complementarianism

February 4, 2015 By CBMW Guest
By Alyssa Poblete February 4, 2015 —————- God created womanhood with a specific purpose, and it is beautiful a purpose.  Finding joy in living out your unique calling as a woman will shine a blazing example to the watching world the glory of Christ and the beauty of the gospel.  
September 4, 2014 By CBMW
  Download free pdf. Lengthy volumes have been written on the issue of complementarianism, including our own Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. But most people do not have time to read several books on each of the pressing issues of modern life. Often what we need is a concise answer to particular questions. This is...
September 4, 2014 By CBMW
  Download free pdf. Purchase. A Guide to Navigate Evangelical Feminism In a society where gender roles are a hot-button topic, the church is not immune to the controversy. In fact, the church has wrestled with varying degrees of evangelical feminism for decades. As evangelical feminism has crept into the church, time-trusted resources like Recovering Biblical...
April 20, 2012 By CBMW
[Editor’s Note: This review originally appeared in the Spring 2012 issue of JBMW.] The first time I heard Mark Driscoll speak I cried.  About a year ago I was attending a conference he was speaking at in Florida where he spent a few minutes reflecting on his ministry in Seattle.  This city was the least-churched...
May 12, 2008 By CBMW
Ligon Duncan and I were recently at a gathering of 40 or so pastors. We had a great time there.  Wonderful fellowship.  Much theological agreement.  However, when the question of complementarianism came up, though there was large agreement on theological substance, there was dramatic disagreement on strategy for presentation. The core of this essay is...
May 12, 2008 By CBMW
“Together for the Gospel” (T4G) is a consortium of Reformed evangelicals who are committed to a comprehensive recovery and reaffirmation of the biblical Gospel. I am signer of  T4G’s initial doctrinal statement of affirmation and denials. Article 16 of our statement consists of a plain affirmation of a complementarian understanding of gender. It reads: “We...