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Topic > Complementarianism

April 13, 2017 By Denny Burk
At the 2017 Gospel Coalition meeting last week, there was a fascinating panel discussion about pastors and women in ministry. It’s a discussion about how complementarian pastors can encourage and strengthen the vital ministries of women in their churches. The panelists include Kevin DeYoung, Melissa Kruger, Kori Porter, Mary Willson, and Sandy Willson. Here’s a...
May 11, 2016 By Scott Corbin
David Schrock | Pastor of Preaching and Theology Occoquan Bible Church Woodbridge, Virginia Throughout the Bible there is great discussion about “blessing.” In Genesis 1 God made man and woman in his image. He called them to have dominion over creation and he “blessed them” (Gen 1:26–28). After death reigned on the earth (Gen 5)...
April 4, 2016 By Greg Gibson
Compelling Complementarianism The first sermon I ever heard John Piper preach was on Biblical manhood. I remember thinking that I’d never heard preaching like it. It was electric. Of course it was also the subject matter that gripped me. No one has spoken more compellingly than Dr. Piper on issues of complementarianism over the past...
March 6, 2016 By Greg Gibson
  Next month, April 2016, Christian Focus is publishing a book I co-authored with Owen Strachan. It’s called The Grand Design: Male And Female He Made Them and it is an introduction to biblical complementarity. What lies beneath The Grand Design? Read on. On January 5, 2015 I was working late preparing a message on...
December 7, 2015 By Greg Gibson
Grant Castleberry | Executive Director The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Frankfort, Kentucky JBMW 20.2 [Fall 2015] **************************************************************** In August Target became the next corporate power,1 after Amazon,2 to rid themselves of all gender designations and labels for children’s toys and bedding. In the corporate rush to not be the company behind the ever-moving gender...
November 16, 2015 By Greg Gibson
Brandon D. Smith | HCSB Manager B&H Publishing Group, Nashville, Tennessee JBMW 20.2 [Fall 2015] **************************************************************** How does one apply the Bible to today’s life in a way that is fair to the text? This is a crucial question for Christians today. Bible readers must answer questions about cultural language and setting, literary forms such as...