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Topic > Complementarianism

January 31, 2019 By CBMW
Next month, the United Methodist Church will meet in St. Louis to vote on what is being billed as the One Church Plan, a comprehensive measure recommended by the Council of Bishops that would revise their Book of Discipline. The revision would include instructions for celebrating same-sex marriages and ordaining openly LGBT clergy. The revision would also...
October 19, 2018 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: This post is the final part of a series. Previous posts include: “Men and Women in Household of God,” “A Word to the Older Men,” “A Word to the Older Women,” and “A Word to the Younger Women.” Finally, Paul turns his attention to the younger men of the congregation: “Likewise, urge the...
October 18, 2018 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: This post is the fourth part of a series. Previous posts include: “Men and Women in Household of God,” “A Word to the Older Men,” and “A Word to the Older Women.” Paul’s exhortation to the older women in verse 3 overlaps with his exhortation to younger women in vv. 4-5: “and so...
October 17, 2018 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: This post is the third part of a series. Other posts can be read here: “Men and Women in Household of God,” “A Word to the Older Men,” and “A Word to the Younger Women.” After giving instructions about older men in the congregation, Paul now turns to the older women: “Older women...
October 16, 2018 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: This post is the second part of a series. Other can be read here: “Men and Women in Household of God,” “A Word to the Older Women,” and “A Word to the Younger Women.” In Titus 2:2-6, Paul unpacks practically what it means for men and women to live in accordance with sound...
October 15, 2018 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: This post is an introduction to a series. Posts in this series include: “A Word to the Older Men,” “A Word to the Older Women,” “A Word to the Younger Women,” and “A Word to the Younger Men.” In January of last year, hundreds of thousands of women marched in our nation’s capital...