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Topic > Egalitarianism

June 6, 2024 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: The following article appears in the Spring 2024 issue of Eikon. 1. Introduction With cultural conversations increasingly centered on the radical proposals of critical race theory and queer theory, discussions of gender and feminism seem almost obsolete. However, a deeper analysis reveals that contemporary feminism is a critical social theory which shares the...
April 29, 2024 By Denny Burk
Editor’s Note: The following article is Part III of a response to Christianity Today’s April 2024 cover story on gender and appears in the Spring 2024 issue of Eikon. Parts I and II can be read here and here. One of the glorious and beautiful truths of—and legacies of—biblical Christianity is Christianity’s effect in history...
April 29, 2024 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: The following article is Part II of a response to Christianity Today’s April 2024 cover story on gender and appears in the Spring 2024 issue of Eikon. Parts I and III can be read here and here. Gordon Hugenberger rightly reminds us in his essay in Christianity Today of the many areas where...
April 29, 2024 By Denny Burk
The April 2024 issue of Christianity Today includes three cover stories addressing ongoing differences between complementarians and egalitarians. Titled “Division of Labor,” the cover asks whether egalitarians and complementarians are really as opposed to one another as people suppose. Inside the magazine, the editors introduce the three authors—Gordan Hugenberger, Dani Treweek, and Gaby Viesca—as “ministry...
January 17, 2023 By Denny Burk
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2023 issue of Eikon. Feminist theologians have long wrestled with the question of God’s gender. In particular, they have chafed against naming God as “Father” and even against Jesus’ incarnation in a male body. As Mary Daly famously wrote, “If God is male, then the male...
May 12, 2008 By CBMW
Ligon Duncan and I were recently at a gathering of 40 or so pastors. We had a great time there.  Wonderful fellowship.  Much theological agreement.  However, when the question of complementarianism came up, though there was large agreement on theological substance, there was dramatic disagreement on strategy for presentation. The core of this essay is...