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Author > Matt Damico

October 23, 2018 By Matt Damico
Over the course of history, layers of questionable interpretations have developed over certain biblical characters, preventing us from seeing clearly what lies beneath. As we have, over many centuries, become habituated to seeing certain characters in a particular way, we may never closely examine the text itself or assess the strength of apparently time-honoured readings....
September 4, 2018 By Matt Damico
Given the recent Revoice conference, Nate Collins’ 2017 All But Invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the Intersection of Faith, Gender, and Sexuality  is now necessary reading for all who are interested in the so-called “Side B” of gay Christianity. In the same vein as writers like Wesley Hill and Eve Tushnet, Collins “firmly and unapologetically...
August 28, 2018 By Matt Damico
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood published seven articles as part of a symposium marking the one-year anniversary of the Nashville Statement, which was released on August 25, 2017. The Nashville Statement is an evangelical coalition statement on biblical sexuality that came out of a meeting of scholars, pastors, and other leaders at the...
August 9, 2018 By Matt Damico
Cynthia Westfall’s book, Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle’s Vision for Men and Women in Christ, aims to provide a fresh reading of the issues surrounding important passages in Paul’s letters, and in so doing the book makes a significant scholarly contribution to the gender role debate. Such a book deserves substantive interaction, and New Testament scholar...
February 15, 2018 By Matt Damico
Tim Challies predicted that 2018 would bring further definition to complementarianism, and it took less than a month for an opportunity for such definition to arise. In late January, John Piper answered a question on his popular podcast, “Ask Pastor John,” that sparked not a little dissension—especially on social media. The question was, “Is There...
November 16, 2017 By Matt Damico
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood held a banquet at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in Providence, Rhode Island, November 14. This is the fourth consecutive year CBMW has held a banquet at the academic conference. This year‘s meeting carried special significance in that it marked the 30-year anniversary of CBMW‘s...